Caliluta | About
Natives of Kodiak, Inc. (NOK) is an Alaska Native Urban Corporation, incorporated in 1973.
NOK is governed by an elected nine-member Board of Directors who are also shareholders of NOK. NOK’s management team is led by its President/CEO who reports directly to the NOK Board.

NOK is an Alaska Native Urban Corporation.
NOK was incorporated in 1973 as a for-profit corporation organized under Alaska Law and pursuant to the 1971 federal Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (16 USC B 1601 et seq.), commonly referred to as "ANCSA".
Business and Financial Management Experience
NOK is committed to achieving responsible growth supporting sustainable shareholder benefits and opportunities through economic growth, asset diversification, and progressive land management.
NOK and its two Trusts also support charitable and not-for-profit organizations that benefit Kodiak’s community, shareholders, and their descendants including the Alutiiq Museum, NOK youth, training, higher education scholarships, and quarterly Elder dividends. The NOK Scholarship Fund supports youth, training, and higher education.
Board of Directors
- Jon Panamaroff, Chairperson
- Leonard ‘Pat’ Heitman, Vice-Chair
- Carla Schauff, Treasurer
- Teresa ‘Teri’ Schneider, Secretary
- Gerald Anderson, Director
- Anthony Cange, Director
- Jeannine Marsh, Director
- Thomas Panamaroff, Director
- Vacant, Director
- Monica James, President & CEO
- Corey Gronn, Vice President
- Jeff Wood, VP of Finance & Accounting