Natives of Kodiak, Inc.
An Alaska Native Corporation based in Kodiak, Alaska

About Natives of Kodiak, Inc.
Natives of Kodiak, Inc. (NOK), is an Alaska Native Urban Corporation, incorporated in 1973 as a for-profit corporation organized under Alaska Law .
Our Family of Companies
NOK is committed to supporting sustainable shareholder benefit through diversified lines of business, strategic financial investments and effective management of its lands.

We are nationwide
With offices in 19 states.
For Further Inquiries Call
Our hours are 8:00AM - 5:00PM (Alaska Time Zone)

Katherine Lake Bullhead, AZ
SWP completed this project at the Katherine Access Marina. Schedule A included a full depth, full width 4R improvement of Katherine Access Road as the main roadway into the Katherine Access Marina. The 4R work included widening the roadway template; new drainage structures; improved pullouts adjacent to the roadway; paved entrance parking area; resurfacing existing

Baldy Mountain Recreational Shooting Site
KIS finished a new 5-acre recreational shooting site near Lake Pleasant in North Peoria, AZ. In virgin ground, the crews relocated 19- saguaro cacti, cleared 2.85 acres, built 5 new steel targets, a gravel parking lot, a gravel shooting platform, entryway including a cattleguard and 9394’ of 6’ chain link fencing including tortoise fence to

DHS Custom and Patrol Protection
KA provided all labor, materials, supervision, tools, equipment, scaffolding, and hoisting to deliver Electrical Services. • Furnish and install all electrical and lighting poles and LED lighting• Remove 4 cameras and provide new pathway • Provide and install 2 new red beacon lights • Replace 1 existing vault with heavy traffic rated vaults

El Paso Modular Facility
KC has provided a turnkey solution in the El Paso Sector to accommodate modular facilities to house 800 persons at one site in housing pods, with supporting mechanical, electrical, plumbing, water, sewer, foundation, and other infrastructure. The holding facility, able to accommodate detention, toilets, wash basins, showers, and eating area for at least 800 individuals,

Investigation, Remediation, O&M, and LTM, Former Fort Devens, BRAC Legacy Site, Devens, MA
KGS conducted work under CERCLA with oversight by EPA Region 1 and MassDEP and includes LTM at 10 Study Areas and Areas of Concern, monitoring and maintenance at three landfills, O&M of leachate collection system, 5 Year Reviews, well installation, groundwater modeling, enhanced reductive dechlorinization (ERD) of chlorinated solvent plume, and complex geochemical investigations associated

U.S. Department of Energy, Mission Support Alliance, Protecting Bald Eagle Habitat, Hanford Reach
EAS worked with MSA to monitor bald eagles on the Hanford Site. Bald eagle surveys were conducted annually to monitor bird use of current protected roost locations and nest sites and to document current and potential night roosts and nest sites along the Hanford Reach. Boat surveys were conducted to determine the age class, distribution,