Seeking qualified shareholders interested in serving on the NOK Board of Directors

 Camai Natives of Kodiak Shareholders,

Natives of Kodiak (NOK) is pleased to announce that Board Chair Corey Gronn has accepted the role of Vice President of NOK and will transition from his service on the Board to this important NOK leadership role on January 27, 2025. We are grateful for Corey’s nine years of service on the Board and are grateful that his dedication to NOK will continue in this new role on NOK’s Executive Leadership Team. 

As a result of Corey’s transition within NOK, the Board is pleased to announce that they have selected Director Jon Panamaroff as the new Board Chair. Jon’s years of dedicated service to the Board, experience in governance, and professional integrity will be instrumental in leading the Board through the next phase of NOK’s journey.

In order to fill Corey’s vacant Board seat, which will expire in September 2027, the Board is seeking qualified Shareholders interested in serving on the NOK Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for establishing NOK policy, setting the strategic vision, and working closely with management to ensure that NOK works for the best interests of its Shareholders. The board meets regularly and requires a significant time commitment both in and out of the boardroom for travel, meeting preparation and attendance, as well as trainings.

All shareholders over the age of 18 who own voting NOK shares (as well as meeting the other eligibility standards in NOK’s bylaws) are eligible to serve on the Board. Shareholders who would like to be considered for the Board vacancy must:

  • Submit a current resume listing professional experience, including current and past director roles, educational background, and any special skills or experience that would contribute to their Board service, and provide a photo;
  • Write a letter of interest outlining why they would like to serve on the Board and what contributions they feel they can make as a Board member;
  • Agree to participate in a background check and drug test (per NOK policy);
  • Execute a Director Service Agreement, agreeing to abide by NOK’s Board policies and procedures, including, without limitation, the Board Conduct Ethics policy, and agreeing to keep all confidential and proprietary information of NOK and its subsidiaries and affiliates confidential prior to being seated as a Director;
  • Disclose all relevant litigation (including any legal proceeding in the last 10 years with interests adverse to NOK or its subsidiaries), any transactions with NOK or its subsidiaries in the last 2 years in excess of $20,000 in the aggregate, any relationships with current Directors or Executive Officers of NOK or its subsidiaries or trust, and any conflicts of interest;
  • Email these documents, or questions about this, to Or mail documents to Natives of Kodiak, 2625 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, AK 99615.
  • Qualified Shareholder(s) interested in serving as a Director must be willing to participate in taking the Clifton Strengths assessment.
  • Any NOK, NOK trust, or subsidiary employee shall be deemed to have resigned from employment upon assuming a Director position.

The deadline for submission is February 28, 2025. After the candidate submission period closes, the Board will review each Shareholder’s submission and conduct interviews to identify the best candidate to fill the vacant Board seat. 

NOK is committed to building the strength of our leadership team and is excited about this new chapter of leadership. Thank you for your ongoing support as we navigate this transition. 

Monica James
NOK President & CEO

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